Before you hand over your power to a man, do this!
Listen, I know you’re excited to have met this new guy. He seems amazing , funny, smart and intelligent and articulate . Things are going well and you’re having late night conversations, the texts are being sent back right away and the vibe is amazing. You’re feeling like an addict waiting for your next hit of him!! Before you know it , you’re telling him all your secrets, your deep thoughts and sharing some of the most intimate stories about yourself. He’s plugged in to you. He’s absorbing. He’s connected. He’s calling you more than you call him, he’s opening up and loving your mind and how you think and somehow your light has begun to fuel his potential with your energy. It feels like this is blooming or blossoming in the right direction. Naturally, you want to elevate this connection, with either sex or establish a title to it or at least know what direction you’re headed. But wait…before you do…
Is the connection authentic?
I’m talking about a narcissist or someone who has traits of narcissistic personality disorder. Narcissists tap into your energy source. They absorb all that you are and that fuels their personal interests. They then give back exactly what you are or what you say you needed from a partner in order to use you for whatever it is they’re lacking or in need of. All of this is done selfishly by a self interested person looking to benefit from being connected to you. So what has the appearance of a blossoming relationship on one side might actually be the playing ground for a person seeking personal gain.
So reframe this.
Ask yourself, What is he giving you? Just conversation? Physical intimacy? What are you gaining from being within his presence? How does he add value to your life? Does he inspire you? Motivate you and encourage you to be the best version of yourself?? Or … is he just plugged into your energy source and using you as a dumping ground for all his issues and life altering situations? Are you helping him or giving more to him then he is to you? Does he blend in with your friends & family? If the answer is no then remember this….
You are a powerful.
You’re a queen, with a queens understanding and perspective. You’re powerful beyond means , the way you think is irreplaceable and uniquely designed by your life experiences. Your light shines bright and will be seen by many men. Some genuine and some with the appearance of genuine. So it’s important to be cautious and careful with who you allow to get close enough to tap in. Even the smallest jolt of you could bring a dead situation to life. That’s just how powerful you are. Give yourself time to truly feel a person out and figure out who they actually are. Everyone enters your life with a purpose. Make sure that purpose is not to use you. Relationships and friendships are powerful, they either make you or break you. It’s important to surround yourself with people who uplift, inspire and encourage your greatness with positivity and endurance. But it’s even more important to be surrounded by someone who reciprocates authentically and not for personal gain.
Proceed with caution.
So before you hand over your power in hopes of a reciprocated , authentic , genuine connection; make sure he’s not a narcissist first.